Guess what~
Today is an exciting day for me! Today is my day to be featured on New Teacher Blog Tuesday over at Fun in 1st Grade . Never one to give a completely straight answer when I can answer with a math challenge instead, see if you can figure out how many candles were on my last birthday cake. Actually, I think I was 10 the last time I had candles on my birthday cake, but you know what I mean. :) And for those that just can't get enough, I now have a Facebook page- new followers are always welcome to *like* and comment! OK, Dana, a prize for guessing correctly.... hmmm... how about a Starbucks gift card for the first three people to guess correctly. Don't post the answer in the comments, send a message to me with your answer, your name and your email address (let's see if I can do this) here . Contest closes at midnight, MST, Feb. 27th. You need not be present to win! (I always wanted to say that.) :) I'll announce the winners tomorrow. ...