Science Happens...
image from The other day we’d just come back from running errands, when I stepped out of the car, looked down and saw a little baby bull snake, about 5 inches long. If you’re familiar with bull snakes, you know they can get really big! Well, this little guy was not happy that I picked him up. My neighbor and her one-year-old grandson were outside, so I thought I’d let him experience his first snake. Have you ever tried to teach a one-year-old not to squeeze, just touch something small and wiggly? Not sure why I thought I could, but I saw the baby snake’s life in jeopardy, if I continued with my, “just touch it, don’t squeeze” approach. By this time the little guy (snake, not the baby) was wrapped around my finger for dear life! OK, I get it. Show and tell is over. I fully intended to put it back close to where I found it anyway, just slightly removed from the driveway. ...