
Showing posts from September, 2013

Get Out of Their Way: Reigniting the Yearn to Learn!

Neil DeGrasse Tyson advised, if you want children to be interested in science, get out of their way !  It was abrupt, but so true.   This morning, I was reading a discussion from one of my LinkedIn groups and the headline was: As children get older, they lose interest in school. Why? Here’s one umpire’s opinion- I believe the way we approach education today gets in the way of learning.  We are so busy trying to make sure kids are moving along the education treadmill at the designated speed (which only seems to be validated through filling in bubbles on tests), we’re beating that natural “yearn to learn” right out of them.    Imagine if we tested toddlers as they’re learning to walk...  I’m sorry Simon, but you toddled one too many times.  Now try it again.  No, no!  Lead with your right foot.  There, that’s better...  This morning you made it around the coffee table holding on.  This time, I want you to walk across...