I'm Not Retired, I'm Repurposed!
"The boomers' biggest impact will be on eliminating the term 'retirement' and inventing a new stage of life… the new career arc." Rosa Moss Kanter Someone once asked how long I planned to teach. At the time, I'd thought the question silly. I'd finished my masters, got highly qualified in math and finished a Gifted Cohort certification. I was rarin' to go, at least another decade. Sadly, sooner than I'd planned, the day came when I was not a teacher, rather, a data-entry clerk and a test proctor. That wasn't what I believed kids needed and certainly not a good use of my educational background, so I left the classroom. Here's the thing- I wasn't done working with kids. I loved their energy, their inquisitive nature, their senses of humor; and I loved the art of teaching. So, while I officially retired from the classroom, I am not retired- I'm repurposed! They always say, "Don't retire without a plan....