9 Must-haves for Your Math Closet
We teachers accumulate a lot of necessary stuff throughout our teaching years. Some of it's used frequently, while other stuff collects dust until we move or retire. Today, I'm sharing some of my Math Closet Must-haves that I really couldn't do without, along with some of the ways I use them. 1. Tape measures. I started out with just a couple standard length tape measures I had at home and thought they'd be useful for measurement of many things. Then, when browsing through Joann Fabrics one day, I saw the quilting 3 meter tape measures and knew they had to be part of my Math Closet. Roll them and store them in a pencil zipper bag. How I use them: ~Measure kids height and wingspan (arms outstretched, fingertip to fingertip) at the beginning, the middle and end of the year. I prefer to use centimeters, for conversion discussions later. Also, many already know how tall they are in inches and feet. For the rest of the world, measure ...