
Showing posts from November, 2014

Secondary Smörgasbord Happy Hour: Math Lawyers- Defend Your Answer!

Welcome to the kickoff of Secondary Smorgasbord , a monthly blog Linky for secondary teachers, grades 6-12.  We are excited to share tips and resources to make your job easier.  We will also be building an archive of everyone's posts on our Pinterest board, Secondary Education Resources , so be sure to follow the board for more great ideas to use in your classrooms. Each month we will feature a different theme.  This month is Happy Hour and each secondary teacher blogger is sharing a favorite free resource, just for you! Become a Math Lawyer~ Defend your answers! I now invite you to sit back and sip your favorite Happy Hour beverage of choice, as I share an "aha!" moment with you... Once upon a time, in my math class not too far away , I had students who figured if they had an answer to a math problem written down, it must be correct.  They couldn't tell me why.  They couldn't tell me how they got there.  There was graphite on the paper- w...

Getting to Know You ~ A Fun Guest Post

I'm happy to present a guest post from my good friend, Darlene.  It's always fun to hear her recollections and see what's happening in her part of the world. Today's walk down memory lane had me thinking about saddle shoes and school lunches, as well as a fun twist on the dreaded back-to-school-what-did-you-do-over-the-summer story.  I'm sure you'll agree this is a much better idea! My Life in 30 Words The mysterious group,  They  (no one really know who they are, but they know everything about everything), say that the olfactory sense has the longest, strongest memory. I believe it.  When I think back to the school I attended for six years as a kid, I remember several things.  1)      The smell of new leather. Did we all wear shoes instead of sneakers back then? I guess so. I’ll have to ask “them” to confirm.  2)       The smell of beef stew from the cafeteria permeated every nook and cranny ...