Most kids like to run around, play ball, or chat with friends at recess. But for two of my future 6th graders, love was in the air. This happened in the Spring of their 5th grade year. As near as we can tell, they had a well-thought-out plan and executed perfectly.
At some point during lunch, three of them, two boys and a girl, had slipped into their respective restrooms and changed into their Sunday best. Having changed, they met out by the baseball backstop, the farthest point away from the lunch aides who rarely ventured farther than the play area by the building.
With several witnesses, the second boy, all decked out in his Sunday finery, acted as minister for the bride and groom, reading them their vows at home plate. Having completed the ceremony in the short 20 minute recess period and still making it back to class when the bell rang, their teachers had no idea this wedding had just taken place.
No one was the wiser, that is, until the teacher’s camera that had gone missing a week before was found a few days later. Not only did they have a minister, but they also had a photographer who took several pictures to document the momentous occasion with that missing camera.
I don’t remember how the camera found its way back to its owner and we never figured out who took it in the first place, but when she developed the pictures on the roll, there they were! The bride had flowers and, aside from the fact this was documented with a stolen camera, it was adorable. They were all so serious. We were flabbergasted! How do you call the parents to let them know their kids got married at lunch recess?
All three were in my class the next year, and had evidently moved on- a wise decision. It reminded me of the Billy Joel song, "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant"... “Brenda, you know you’re much too lazy, and Eddie could never afford to live that kind of life. But there we were waving Brenda and Eddie goodbye.”
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh oh oh oh oh!