Secondary Smörgasbord: Keeping It Fresh With RAFTs
"Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'" That's a great quote from Robin Williams, and I couldn't agree more. For those of us in Colorado, it's the time of year when we all breathe a collective sigh of relief, as we finally lay to rest the state assessment for another year. Yes, April is a welcome guest with her daffodils, tulips and crocuses blooming, brightening up everyone's mood, signaling a fresh awakening. To me, keeping things fresh means giving choices, and the way I do that is by using RAFTs to apply what they've learned. It's one of the easiest ways I know to differentiate for students. I was told RAFT has a different meaning in different parts of the country (world?). To clarify, my version of RAFT means R ole, A udience, F ormat, and T opic. I like using them as culminating activities to assess understanding, and I love them because they give students a choice. One of my favorite RAFTs is for the boo...