Creating a Global Classroom: 5 Ways for Students to Embrace CulturalDiversity
As technology advances, our world gets smaller and smaller. Back in the dark ages, we used to be able to learn about other cultures only through books or maybe TV shows. Now, anything we want to know is just a click away. But even with all that information available to us, we still are culturally ignorant when it comes to places outside the United States, and even sometimes within our own U.S. borders. One of my favorite videos on internet is Love Has No Labels, Diversity & Inclusion from the Ad Council. You may have seen it- if not, take a peek. It would be a lovely way to begin a talk about understanding cultural diversity. To me, creating a global classroom means giving students the opportunity to understand others that come from different cultural backgrounds. Through understanding we find acceptance. Here are 5 easy ways to get started building a global classroom, by immersing them in culture. Tracing our trails. The world is a giant melting pot ...