
Showing posts from January, 2016

Tips for Creating Successful Sub Plans

Whether I’m off to a meeting or I've managed to catch the latest bug floating around the building, the thought of writing sub plans makes me think twice (or 3 or 4 times!) about leaving.  It boils down to this: What can I leave that has a better than average chance of getting accomplished, and is meaningful and engaging?   Kids see through busy work and if that’s all the day is going to be, I guarantee they’ll choose their own type of “busy-ness.” I try to make it purposeful, and throw in a good dose of fun.  One of the advantages of a self-contained classroom is the ability to be flexible with time.  This flexibility helps create an energy ebb and flow to the day. Without it,  chaos ensues.  I regularly strive for that delicate balance between total silence (not realistic - but  thank goodness for sustained silent reading and writing, strategically placed in the schedule)  and pandemonium (lively engagement). I try to keep sub da...