The Best Teaching Advice Ever: Take Care of You
One of the things that makes teaching a truly wonderful experience is having a great teammate. Early in my career, I was fortunate to have, as my teammate, Ann - an incredibly gifted and talented veteran teacher who inspired not only her students, but everyone she worked with. Immediately, we began feeding off of each other's energy. It was so fun! Ann and I got to the point where summers were too long and we couldn't wait to get back to planning elaborate units, some lasting the entire semester, and would often start planning for the next year early in July. If there were no scheduled breaks at other times of the year and we needed more time to plan, we thought nothing of taking our own sick and personal days to make sure we had some uninterrupted time so that our units would be the best we could possibly deliver. It was a special time in my career. Then Ann got sick. Little did we know that when she went in for a simple procedure just before school started, thin...