How I Use Free-Range Seating to Get a First Glimpse of My Students

The first day of school is the start of something good! Fresh faces ready to learn.  New school supplies just itching to find their new homes in desks and cupboards. A clean start for everyone! We only get one chance to make a first impression, and it's…

Escape the Back-to-School Doldrums

I love the sounds and smells of a new school year. Desks are clean, supplies are fresh and the pencil sharpener actually works!  Kids may be slightly uncertain about what's to come, but are ready for a new adventure. My back-to-school feelings of Utop…

Changing Our Thoughts: The Road to a Positive Attitude

"Our brains are Velcro for bad news and Teflon for good news."   Hanson & Mendius (2009) My sister-in-law sent this quote to me today.  It was completely timely, since one of my favorite resources got zinged in feedback yesterday. After…